What is the Abortion Pill?

Are you unsure what to do now that you have discovered an unexpected pregnancy? You probably have started researching all of your options.  In Missouri, abortion is illegal, including abortions via the abortion pill. But, if you are considering traveling out of state to get a prescription for the pill, there are a few things

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What Are the Risks of the Abortion Pill?

Discovering an unexpected pregnancy can be nerve wracking. Questions about the future and all of the unknowns can drive a person to the edge of a mental breakdown.  But even though a surprise pregnancy can be scary, you can be confident knowing that this new circumstance doesn’t alter your value as a woman. You are

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How Do Pregnancy Tests Work?

Are you feeling more tired than usual? Is menstruation a little late? Do you want to cry one minute and then sing with joy the next? If your body is feeling any different than usual, you may be considering a pregnancy test. Here is everything you need to know: How Do Pregnancy Tests Work? Pregnancy

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What is the Difference Between a Blood and Urine Pregnancy Test?

The unknown can be scary– especially when the needed knowledge can be as life changing as discovering a pregnancy. But would a urine test or a blood test take you out of the dark faster?  Here is everything you need to know about the difference between the two types of tests. When Should You Take

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What Do You Need to Know If You Are Pregnant in High School? 

Looking for maternity sizes for your junior prom dress? Probably not what you expected.  Perhaps your positive pregnancy test took you from being a carefree, fun-loving teen to a stressed-out, scared young adult. But if you are facing an unknown future, you don’t need to spiral into panic. Here are some encouraging things you should

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What Do I Need to Know if I am Pregnant in College? 

Oh, snap. Pregnancy was not on your list of things to do before senior year. But two pink lines are staring you in the face as your stomach begs you to relaunch your cafeteria breakfast. A million questions swirl through your brain. The most pressing of all—what does this pregnancy mean for your future as

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What is the Difference Between the Abortion Pill and Plan B? 

A one-night stand seemed romantic at the time. But now that you are staring at a positive pregnancy test the fling seems less like something from a sexy Rom-Com and more like something from your worst nightmare. Sure you want to have kids, but not this way. Not with a practical stranger.  But what can

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What Are the Side Effects of the Abortion Pill? 

Abortion in Missouri became illegal after the Supreme Court reversed Roe V. Wade last June.  But does that include the abortion pill? And if you were to take the pill, what would the aftermath look like? Here is everything you need to know about the abortion pill. How Does The Abortion Pill Work? The abortion

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