What Are the Different Types of Abortion?

Abortion is the medical procedure used to terminate a pregnancy. There are many reasons a woman may choose to end her pregnancy, whether it’s relational, emotional, or financial.  If faced with an unexpected pregnancy and considering abortion, you are not alone! As you are looking into different options, make sure you do your research and

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What is An Ectopic Pregnancy?

The definition of the word ectopic is “an abnormal place or position.” An ectopic pregnancy occurs when a fertilized egg implants outside of the uterus. More than 90% of ectopic pregnancies occur within a fallopian tube. The danger of the fertilized egg implanting in a fallopian tube is that the tube cannot expand like the

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3 Things Needed Before Abortion

When thinking of having an abortion, taking steps to protect your health is vital. Three things needed before abortion are a pregnancy test, ultrasound, and STD test. These steps will determine what options you have. You are not alone in your unexpected pregnancy. Before moving forward with an abortion, it’s important to understand abortion risks

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3 Reasons You Need Ultrasound Before Abortion

Coming to a pregnancy decision is not easy. You probably have so many questions, and we are here to help answer as many as we can. If you’re considering abortion, an ultrasound is necessary as a safety precaution before any type of procedure. You should always get clarity about your pregnancy through an ultrasound to

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What Are the Risks of Abortion?

Different abortion procedures come with different risks, but there are shared risks between procedures, including incomplete abortion and infection. Any time you open up the cervix or abdomen, there’s a chance of spreading harmful bacteria into your reproductive organs, which can lead to an infection known as Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID). Keep reading to learn

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How Does an Ultrasound Work?

Ultrasound technology works by sending high-frequency sound waves into the body, and then using the echoes of those sound waves to produce pictures of internal structures.  Ultrasound images provide information about a pregnancy that cannot be determined with pregnancy testing alone. How Does Ultrasound Technology Work for Pregnancy? When you hear the word “ultrasound,” pregnancy

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3 Things To Know If You Are Considering Mail-Order Abortion

You can buy practically anything on the internet these days. Toasters. Cars. Food. It’s amazing and so easy. Before you make an online purchase, you usually read the reviews, don’t you? Does it have a good rating? What are the comments? You want to understand as much as possible before you pay. These are the

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How to Navigate the Holidays with an Unexpected Pregnancy

The holidays are filled with fun events, great food, and of course…family and friends. Whether or not the ones closest to you are aware of your unexpected pregnancy, they’re going to recognize something is different and that’s okay.  This holiday season, be empowered. Your pregnancy is your story to tell or not to tell. Although

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Will Missouri Medicaid Pay for Abortion?

Did you recently have unprotected (or maybe even protected) sex and now your period is late? Did you take an over-the-counter pregnancy test and it came back positive?  If you weren’t planning on becoming pregnant right now, you may be in shock. An unexpected pregnancy is never easy news.  Women often think about abortion first

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When Should I Take a Pregnancy Test?

Apparently, surprise births are not all that uncommon. A 2002 paper published in the British Medical Journal estimated that it occurs in about one in every 2,500 pregnancies, suggesting about 320 cases in the UK every year. If there is any question in your mind as to whether or not you are pregnant, it never

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