What Do You Need to Know If You Are Pregnant in High School? 

Looking for maternity sizes for your junior prom dress? Probably not what you expected.  Perhaps your positive pregnancy test took you from being a carefree, fun-loving teen to a stressed-out, scared young adult. But if you are facing an unknown future, you don’t need to spiral into panic. Here are some encouraging things you should

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What Do I Need to Know if I am Pregnant in College? 

Oh, snap. Pregnancy was not on your list of things to do before senior year. But two pink lines are staring you in the face as your stomach begs you to relaunch your cafeteria breakfast. A million questions swirl through your brain. The most pressing of all—what does this pregnancy mean for your future as

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Roe V. Wade Overturned: Separating Fact From Fiction

Abortion is a topic that stirs up a lot of feelings and opinions on both sides of the debate. After the Supreme Court reversed Roe V. Wade in June, the country was in an uproar.  People started making blanket statements about their opinions or ideas as if they were facts.  But what is the reality?

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How Do I Tell My Parents I’m Pregnant?

“Mom, Dad, I’m pregnant…”  These words can feel like the stuff of nightmares if you’re experiencing an unexpected pregnancy. Whether you’re a teenager or an adult, if you think the news of your pregnancy will be met with any negative emotions from your parents, this conversation can feel extremely nerve-wracking. As you prepare to break

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7 Top Pregnancy Symptoms

In very early pregnancy, it’s easy to second-guess if your symptoms are related to PMS or if they are actually proof of pregnancy. Read below for some of the most common pregnancy symptoms, but always follow up your research with a pregnancy test a week after your first missed period.  Nausea One of the most

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