What Are the Risks of the Abortion Pill?

We’re glad you are asking about abortion procedures, side effects, and potential risks. Abortion is a serious medical decision, and you should be as confident about what to expect as possible. There are risks, such as an incomplete abortion and infection, that you need to be aware of. Talk with our client advocates to get

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What Are the Risks of Ordering the Abortion Pill Online?

For women experiencing an unexpected pregnancy, ordering the abortion pill online could have come to mind. But is ordering an abortion online really safe and effective? Is it legal? While all forms of abortion are currently illegal in Missouri except in cases of life endangerment, we know women in our state still consider this option.

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How to Recover Emotionally After an Abortion?

If you’ve had an abortion and are experiencing difficult emotions, such as regret, guilt, shame, or anxiety, among other feelings, you’re not alone. A recent study on the emotional effects of abortion found that 81% of women who had an abortion after facing an unplanned pregnancy were at an increased risk of mental health problems. 

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Will My Insurance Pay for My Girlfriend’s Abortion Pill?

Making a pregnancy decision can be difficult, and wondering what procedures are covered by insurance can make things more complicated. If your girlfriend is considering abortion, she may not be aware of whether her insurance covers the procedures like the abortion pill. Missouri law prevents abortion coverage from being part of a health insurance policy,

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Is Abortion or Adoption Right for Me?

If you’re struggling with an unwanted pregnancy, you might be weighing the options for a solution. Have you researched abortion? Are you looking into adoption? Learning about the pros and cons of abortion and adoption can help you figure out the right path forward. Here’s a brief summary of what you should know before jumping

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What Are the Signs of an Incomplete Abortion?

If you’re facing an unexpected pregnancy and considering seeking an abortion out of state, it’s essential to know the signs of an incomplete abortion.  Read on to learn more about an incomplete abortion, the signs, and the next steps you can take. What Is an Incomplete Abortion? There are two main types of abortion: medical

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What’s the Difference Between Medical and Surgical Abortion?

Abortion is a permanent choice that ends a pregnancy. If you’re facing an unplanned pregnancy and thinking about abortion as a next step, you deserve to know all the facts. By understanding the different types of abortion and the associated risks, you can be empowered to move forward with the decision that’s right for you. 

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Will My Insurance Pay for My Girlfriend’s Abortion?

A surprise pregnancy can feel like a rollercoaster. The emotions can pull your heart up and down until you want to unbuckle and get off the ride.  Abortion might seem like the way to make that happen. But, if you are considering abortion in Missouri, you should know that your insurance likely won’t cover the

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How an Adoption Plan Can Prevent Depression Caused by Abortion

As you consider how to handle your unplanned pregnancy, you quickly realize each choice involves a certain amount of loss. There is a way to reduce the loss. Open adoption offers the opportunity to communicate with your child and their adoptive family, while abortion ends any possibility of a future relationship. Why Would Anyone Choose

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What Are Early Pregnancy Symptoms?

You’re walking down the frozen food section at the grocery store when suddenly, the sight of your favorite microwavable burritos, coupled with the overwhelming smell of something in the deli, makes you feel like you’re going to throw up. Suddenly you start connecting the mental dots, realizing you are a few days late for your

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